May 19-24 2002, Pisa - ITALY

Electronic submission page

---> Submission deadline is extended to OCTOBER 31st 2001 <---


Electronic Paper Submission Deadline: 15 October 2001.

The strongly prefered way to submit your paper is via this form. Follow the instructions, step-by-step, and then use the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

If your browser does not handle forms, see note below.

Corresponding author's name:
Corresponding author's email:
Postal Address:
Title of Paper:
Submit Paper:
  • Given its portability we strongly prefer the PDF format for the submitted documents. Anyway, in the case you can not really produce PDF, we can also accept postscript format, in dialects created by most contemporary document preparation tools, for either USLetter (8.5"x11") or A4 page sizes.
    If you are using MS Windows, one of the more readable postscript codes is produced by the driver for the Apple LaserWriter printer (you can install the drivers for it, and then you can print to a postscript file using this driver).

  • The file can also be compressed in any standard format, with its appropriate MIME extent (ps.gz for gzipped postscript, ps.Z for compressed postscript, etc.).

  • In rare cases you may need to use compression, since our server can't handle more than 5 MB in a single transfer.
Find the file containing your submission:

Abstract: Cut and paste in 100-200 words of ASCII text. No control characters PLEASE.

Please use the list of topics below to characterize your submission. Check all categories that seem appropriate, and if you think some keywords are missing, please add them to the abstract.

Active and Programmable Networks
Analysis and Simulation of Networking Protocols
Broadband Wireless Access
Caching and Delivery of Streaming Media Content
Computer Networks Modeling and Simulation
Cryptography, Security and Privacy
Internet and Web Applications
Internet Protocols over High-speed Networks
Measurement Studies of Web Architectures and Protocols
Mobile ad Hoc Networks
Mobile Agents
Mobile Internet
Mobile Networks Architectures and Protocols
Multimedia over Packet-based Networks
Multiple Access Protocols
Network Measurements and Testbeds
Optical Networks
Pervasive Computing
Power Management
Quality of Service
Quantitative Methodologies and Tools
Queueing Network Models of Computer and Communication Networks
Queueing Theory
Real-time Voice/Video Transport over IP Networks
Routing in Ad Hoc Networks
Satellite Networks
Self-organising Network Architectures and Protocols
Switching and Switch Architectures
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Management and Control
Traffic Modeling and Characterisation
Web Performance
Web Caching, Prefetching and Replication
Wireless Local and Personal Area Networks
Wireless 2G, 2.5G and 3G Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless and Mobile Networking and Computing
Wireless Multimedia Systems
Workload Characterisation and Generation

Please don't submit your paper before you are ready; we would rather not have to deal with revisions of already submitted papers.

Note on Form-Based Uploads: This form requires your browser to support form-uploads (Internet RFC 1867). While almost all browsers support this feature, including the Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, some ancient browsers do not. If you do not see a "Browse" button above -- next to the entry for paper's file name -- then your browser falls into this category. There are two solutions to this problem, one of which to upgrade your browser. The other solution is to send email to, and we'll work out an alternative.

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Update Time 23 Aug 2001 at 15:53:06
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Conference Systems