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Call for papers

The huge advances of wireless broadband technologies lay the foundation of a future where ubiquitous wireless network access ubiquitous wireless network access will be anywhere at anytime. Wireless mesh networks are expected to be a key element of this future by providing a highly scalable, reliable and cost-effective wireless backbone to mobile devices over multi-hop wireless communication systems. However, there are still a lot of technical challenges that need to be solved in order to reach the full potentialities of this innovative technology.

This workshop aims to bring together the technologist and researchers who share interest in the area of wireless mesh networks. The main purpose is to promote discussions on recent advances in the analysis design and implementation of systems, protocols and services for next generation mobile mesh networks. It also aims at increasing the synergy between academic and industry professionals working in this area. We plan to seek papers that address theoretical, experimental, and work in-progress at all layers of mesh networks, from application to physical layer.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Cross layer design and optimizations
  • Capacity analysis
  • Greening the Internet
  • Multi-radio and multi-channel wireless mesh networking
  • Medium access control protocols
  • Self-configuration and self-management procedures
  • Routing, scheduling, and channel assignment protocols
  • Mesh networks measurement
  • QoS provisioning
  • Mobility management
  • Topology construction and maintenance
  • Security architectures, functions and protocols
  • Privacy enhancing technologies for mesh networks
  • Testbed, prototype, and practical systems

Please note that all accepted papers will need to have a full registration to the conference (there is no workshop only registration). In addition, no-shows of accepted papers at the workshop will result in those papers NOT being included in the IEEE Digital Library.

Important dates
Submission Deadline: (EXTENDED) February 20, 2010
Acceptance Notification: April 5, 2010
Final Manuscript due: April 20, 2010
Workshop: June 14, 2010