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Call for Papers

SAO aims to provide an interdisciplinary reference forum focusing on the use of Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM) as a “BigData microscope” to investigate the human social behavior. Therefore, both tools and techniques to “build” (or improve) such a microscope, as well as results from the analysis of data obtained through this microscope, are welcome in the workshop. SAO aims at engaging researchers working (i) on efficient methods, tools and techniques to search for, collect and analyze large-scale datasets from OSNEM, as well as (ii) on analyzing and characterizing human social behaviors through OSNEM data.

The type of papers we seek is manifold. One the one hand, the workshop aims to attract work describing innovative tools and methodologies to collect OSNEM data, search for relevant information, for the benefit of BigData analyses on the human social behaviour. Moreover, we wish to attract papers highlighting novel results in the application of BigData analytics tools to characterise, through the analysis of OSNEM data, the online human social behaviour, such as social network structures, patterns of information dissemination, establishment of trust and influence, emerging social phenomena. Finally, we aim to attract papers proposing and validating, through the analysis of OSNEM data, novel models of the human social behaviour. One objective of SAO is thus to attract papers, with a quantitative approach, from multiple communities of researchers working on these topics. This includes computer scientists, as well as social scientists, complex network physicist, anthropologists, behavioural economists.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • OSNEM platforms, protocols and applications to collect data about the human online social behaviour;
  • Decentralized, mobile and location-based OSNEM;
  • Information collection, extraction and search in OSNEM;
  • Measurement, analysis and modeling of popular OSNEM platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, etc.);
  • Social network structures emerging in OSNEM;
  • Analysis of the human social behavior in OSNEM compared to the “offline” world;
  • Measurement, analysis and modeling of social networked users' behavior through OSNEM data;
  • Social media analysis and social analytics;
  • Analysis of trust, reputation, privacy and security in OSNEM;
  • Dynamics of trends, information and opinion diffusion in OSNEM;
  • Recommendations and advertising in OSNEM;
  • Analysis of urban social behavior through OSNEM data;
  • Analysis of complex human social phenomena through OSNEM data (economics, health, well-being, society, politics, homeland security, migration, etc.)
  • Complex-network analysis of human social behavior through OSNEM;
  • Crowdsourcing in OSNEM for social behavior analysis.

Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor currently under review by another conference or journal. Guidelines on paper submission and formatting are available at http://cnd.iit.cnr.it/sao2018. Accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings and forwarded for inclusion in IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL), IEEE eXplore, and the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the workshop.

Editorial follow-ups
Extended versions of workshop selected papers will be considered for possible fast track publication on the Online Social Networks and Media Journal (Elsevier).


Abstract registration 8 June 2018
Paper submission 15 June 2018
Notification 17 July 2018
Camera ready 24 July 2018


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