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8:50–9:00: Registration

9:00–9:05: Opening Remarks

9:05–10:00: Keynote Talk

Traffic management in the era of vehicle automation and communication systems (VACS)
Speaker: Prof. Markos Papageorgiou, Director of the Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory of the Department of Production, Engineering and Management of the Technical University of Crete

10:00–10:30: Position Paper

Towards a Security Assurance Framework for Connected Vehicles
Speaker: Panagiotis Pantazopoulos, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece

10:30–11:00: Coffee Break

11:00–12:05: ITS applications and communications

Analysis of Communication Demands of Networked Control Systems for Autonomous Platooning
Daniel Plöger, Leo Krüger and Andreas Timm-Giel (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)

Environment-Aware Communications for Cooperative Collision Avoidance Applications
Guillaume Jornod (Volkswagen AG & TU Braunschweig, Germany); Roman Alieiev (MAN Truck & Bus AG, Germany); Andreas Kwoczek (Volkswagen AG, Germany); Thomas Kürner (TU Braunschweig, Germany)

Securing Road Traffic Congestion Detection by Incorporating V2I Communications Vinh Thong Ta (University of Central Lancashire, UK); Amit Dvir and Yalin Arie (Ariel University, Israel)

12:05–12:50: Platforms for Connected Cars

V2X communications for infrastructure-assisted automated driving
Michele Rondinone (Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center, Germany); Julian Schindler (German Aerospace Center, Germany); Robbin Blokpoel (Dynniq, The Netherlands); Thomas Walter (Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center, Germany)
IoT and Microservices Based Testbed for Connected Car Services
Soumya Kanti Datta, Irfan Khan, Lara Codeca, Jérôme Härri and Christian Bonnet (EURECOM, France)

12:55–13:00: Closing

13:00–14:00: Lunch Break