Call for papers

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum between the autonomic and opportunistic communication communities to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, and share experiences among researchers, professionals, and application developers both from industry and academia.
Original papers addressing both theoretical and practical aspects of autonomic and opportunistic communications and are solicited.
Papers describing prototype implementations and deployments are welcome.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Preliminary Call for papers in .pdf format (205 kb)

Paper Submission and Publication
Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor currently under review by another conference or journal. Guidelines on paper submission and formatting are available at
Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings published by IEEE. Extended versions of workshop selected papers will be considered for possible fast track publication on the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (Elsevier).

Important dates
Full papers Due: February 18, 2008
Notification: March 15, 2008

last updated 18-Apr-2008 --> credits