Past Projects
large-scale Indie Garmig Analytics |
SocializeME |
Easily diStributed Personal RapId Transit |
WEll-Being@Lucca |
Smart Monitoring Integrated System for a Healthy Urban ENVironment in Smart
Cities |
Dynamics and COevolution in Multi-Level Strategic INteraction GAmeS
Mobile OpportunisTic Traffic Offloading |
Network of Excellence in Internet Science |
Collective Awareness Participatory Platform |
Relevance and Cognition for Self-Awareness in a Content-Centric Internet |
Service Platform for Social Aware Mobile and Pervasive Computing |
Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems
MOdelling Tools for Interdependence Analysis for ICT systemsMOdelling Tools for Interdependence Analysis for ICT systems |
Social networking for pervasive adaptation |
Enhanced, Ubiquitous, and Dependadle Broadband Access using MESH Networks |
Measuring and Modelling Relativistic-like effects in brain and NCSs |
A Novel Communication Paradigm for Autonomic Opportunistic Communication |
Bio-inspired service evolution for the pervasive age |
Metropolitan Ad hoc Networks |
Trusted and QoS-Aware Provision of Application Services |
Virtual Immersive Communications |
Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems |
SP1 |
Reti Internet: Efficienza, Integrazione e Sicurezza |