Jumpstart: A Just-In-Time
Signaling Architecture for WDM Burst-switched Networks.
Ilia Baldine, Harry
Perros, George N. Rouskas and Dan Stevenson
Device Discovery
in Bluetooth Networks: a Scatternet Perspective
Stefano Basagni,
Raffaele Bruno and Chiara Petrioli
QoS evaluation
of Real-time applications over a Multi-Domain DiffServ experimental
G. Carrozzo, V. Chionsini,
S. Giordano S. Niccolini
A new policy based
management of Mobile IP users
Hakima Chaouchi Guy
A framework for
policy-based management of QoS aware IP Networks
Piergiorgio Cremonese,
Marcello Esposito, Silvia Giordano, Milena Mondini, Simon Pietro
Romano, Giorgio Ventre
SIP-H323: a solution
for interworking saving existing architecture
Giuseppe De Marco,
Salvatore Loreto, Gerardo Sorrentino, Luca Veltri
High Router Flexibility
and Performance by Combining Dedicated Lookup Hardware (IFT ), off
the Shelf Switches and Linux
Christian Duret Francis
Rischette Joel Lattmann Valery Laspreses Pim Van Heuven Steven Van
den Berghe Piet Demeester
Group Security
Policy Management for IP Multicast and Group Security
Thomas Hardjono Hugh
Issues in Internet
Yasushi Ichikawa,
Kensuke Arakawa, Keisuke Wano and Yuko Murayama
I/O bus usage
control in PC-based software routers
Lepe-Aldama Jorge García-Vidal
Multiple Access
in Ad-Hoc Wireless LANs with Noncooperative Stations
Jerzy Konorski
Next Generation
Networks and Services in Slovenia
Andrej Kos, Janez
Bešter, and Peter Homan
Minimizing the
Routing Delay in Ad Hoc Networks through Route-Cache TTL Optimization
Ben Liang and Zygmunt
J. Haas
Long-Range Dependence
of Internet Traffic Aggregates
Solange Lima, Magda
Silva, PauloCarvalho, Alexandre.Santos, Vasco.Freitas
Improved initial
synchronisation and frequency offset estimation in UMTS FDD mode
V.Lomi, G.L.Pierobon,
D.Tonetto, L.Vangelista
Scalable Adaptive
Hierarchical Clustering
L. Mathy, R. Canonico,
S. Simpson, D. Hutchison
How to achieve
fair differentiation
Eeva Nyberg and Samuli
A Framework to
Service and Network Resource Management in Composite Radio Environments
V.Stavroulaki, P.Demestichas, M.Theologou
JESA Service Discovery
Protocol Efficient Service Discovery in Ad-Hoc Networks
Stephan Preuss
Admission Control for Dynamic Multicast Groups in Diff-Serv Networks
Elena Pagani, Gian
Paolo Rossi.
Performance Simulations
of a QoS Aware Caching Method
Pertti Raatikainen,
Mika Wikström, Timo Hämäläinen
Call Admission
Control for Multimedia Cellular Networks Using Neuro-Dynamic Programming
Sidi-Mohammed Senouci
André-Luc Beylot Guy Pujolle
Aspects of Amnet Signaling
Anke Speer, Marcus
Schoeller, Till Harbaum, Martina Zitterbart
Virtual Home Environment
for multimedia services in 3rd generation networks
Orazio Tomarchio,
Andrea Calvagna, Giuseppe Di Modica
On Providing End-To-End
QoS introducing a set of Network Services in Large-Scale IP Networks.
E. Tsolakou, E. Nikolouzou,
I. S. Venieris
Performance Enhancing Proxy for Satellite Links
Dimitris Velenis ,
Dimitris Kalogeras, Basil Maglaris
An Overlay for
Ubiquitous Streaming over Internet
C.K. Yeo, B.S. Lee,
M.H. Er
A Measurement-Based
Dynamic Guard Channel Scheme for Handover Prioritization in Cellular
Roland Zander Johan
M Karlsson