organized by
May 19-24 2002, Pisa - ITALY

conference at-a-glance

sponsored by
Cassa di Risparmio di PISA



Invited speakers

Imrich Chlamtac - "Managing Optical Networks in the Optical Domain"
The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson TX 75083-0688, USA

slides of the talk in pdf format - 436Kb

Randy Katz - "The Post-PC Era: It's All About Services"
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1776, USA

slides of the talk in ppt format - 1098Kb

Gerald Maguire - "Personal Computing and Communication"
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

slides of the talk in pdf format - 1842Kb


About the speakers

Imrich Chlamtac holds a Ph.D degree in computer science from the University of Minnesota. Since 1997 he is the Distinguished Chair in Telecommunications at the University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Chlamtac also holds the titles of the Sackler Professor at Tel Aviv University, Israel, The Bruno Kessler Honorary Professor at the University of Trento, Italy, and of University Professor at the Technical University of Budapest. He is the founder of Consip Ltd., co-founder and past CEO of Business Communications Networks and of BCN Inc.Dr. Chlamtac is a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM societies for the concepts of WDM wavelength routing, was a Fulbright Scholar and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He is the winner of the 2001 ACM award for contributions to wireless and mobile networks, emulators, and has received multiple best paper awards in wireless and optical networking. Dr. Chlamtac published over two hundred and fifty papers in refereed journals and conferences, and is the co-author of the first textbook on Local Area Networks (Lexington Books, 1981,1982,1984) and of Mobile and Wireless Networks Protocols and Services (John Wiley & Sons, Pub.,2000). an IEEE Network magazine's 2000 Editor's Choice. Dr. Chlamtac serves as the founding Editor in Chief of the ACM/URSI/Kluwer Wireless Networks (WINET), the ACM/Kluwer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) journals and the SPIE/Kluwer Optical Networks (ONM) Magazine. He is also the founder and Steering Committee Chair of ACM/IEEE MobiCom and SPIE/IEEE/ACM OptiComm conferences.

Randy Howard Katz

Randy Howard Katz received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. He joined the faculty at Berkeley in 1983, where he is now the United Microelectronics Corporation Distinguished Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. He has published over 180 refereed technical papers, book chapters, and books. His hardware design textbook, Contemporary Logic Design, has sold over 85,000 copies worldwide. He has supervised 32 M.S. theses and 17 Ph.D. dissertations. He has won numerous awards, including seven best paper awards, one "test of time" paper award, three best presentation awards, the Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award, the 1999 IEEE Reynolds Johnson Information Storage Award, the 1999 ASEE Frederic E. Terman Award, and the 1999 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award. With colleagues at Berkeley, he developed Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), an $18 billion per year industry sector today. While on leave for government service in 1993-1994, he established and connecting the White House to the Internet. His current research interests are Internet Services Architecture, Mobile Computing, and Computer-Telephony Integration.


Gerald Q. "Chip" Maguire Jr. Ph. D. (1983) and M.S. (1981) in Computer Science, University of Utah and B.A. magna cum laude, Physics, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (1975). Professor, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) since July 1994. He was on the faculty of Columbia University between 1983 and 1993. He has also been a Gastprofessor at Technische Universität Graz, Invited Lecturer at Leiden State University, and Program Director for Experimental Systems, U.S. National Science Foundation. His research interests include: Mobile computing and communication systems, internetworking, and Picture Archiving and Communication. Further information at:



last updated 04-Jun-2002