organized by
May 19-24 2002, Pisa - ITALY

Pervasive and Mobile Commerce Applications

sponsored by
Cassa di Risparmio di PISA



Pervasive and Mobile Commerce Applications
monday, may 20, 14.15-18.00

As technology continues its dramatic progress, making possible new and improved applications, we experience the creation of new paradigms and changes in the way technology impacts every day's life. Always-on connectivity, location-awareness, and environment-aware products are among those new paradigms. Smart devices, portable devices, wireless communications, and sophisticated sensors, appear to be the underlying principles of a new revolution in technology.

This tutorial will explore research issues in the intersection of pervasive and mobile computing and electronic commerce. Pervasive computing deals with a broad range of information access methods enabled by mobility, wireless, small embedded systems, and broadband technologies. At the same time, electronic commerce is redefining the way business is carried out creating new business models and novel interactions with end users. The topics to be discussed are as follows:

  • Evolution of Pervasive Infrastructure
  • Transactional interactions
  • Software componentry for building mobile applications
  • Security for mobile commerce applications
  • Location-based services
  • Emerging eCommerce Frameworks
  • Case studies

Marisa Viveros

IBM, T.J.Watson

Marisa Viveros is an Senior Technical Staff Member and a Senior Manager of the Pervasive Computing Solutions group at IBM Thomas J Watson Research. She is responsible for the creation of emerging applications in the areas of wireless technology, pervasive devices, and their seamless integration in business environments. Examples of such work include applications in mobile commerce, using sensing technologies to bridge the gap between the digital and physical world, and multi-modal applications for knowledge workers. A common theme is enabling end users with ease of use computing solutions. Throughout her career at IBM, Ms Viveros has received an Outstanding Innovation Award for her pioneer work in mobile commerce, and an Outstanding Technical Award for her work in parallel systems. She has coauthored papers, patents, and has participated in numerous conferences as a program committee member, keynote speaker, session chairman, and panelist. Ms. Viveros holds an MS degree in Computer Science and a BS degree in Electrical Engineering. She is a member of ACM.


last updated 09-May-2002